Wednesday, July 15, 2009

hello everyone

Please don't faint.
It's me. Ha!
Long year with lots of stories about hospitals. All seems to be well now with everyone getting settled back into life.
Hubby's dad has a clean bill of health after a battle with throat cancer and ugly feeding tube stories with many, many hours at the hospital.
Grandparents are living in assisted living after the car accident, Grandma was fitted for her new fancy foot, Grandpa continues to struggle with poor health.
I'm done with my surgery. Sigh.
I have my computer back.
Now, where is the damn camera?

Thank you, thank you, my dear Erica for your message. I've been meaning to post here and you gave me a boost. Hugs to you!

Son's room is re-done. He comes home to the surprise today. Can't wait - as he did not know we were going to do it. "Tweenager" with bright green, orange and blue.

Also, a tid-bit for you that I found today. Check out the dresses made of PAPER!

1 comment:

notmassproduced said...

so nice to see u back :o) I'm sorry to hear of all our hospital traumas I hope you are all much better now.